Senin, 14 Juli 2008

hamilton certain make error

woking - lewis hamilton really success occupy klasemen racer formula one (f1). although so, the labile racer way of thinking mclaren mercedes that will make many circles will evaluate hamilton will do error.

even, this matter also believed manager lewis, anthony. " he will make error. the fact, he is new 23 year. he comes from not mengunggulkan be very good, " ungkap agency also father lewis this.

" he is new at this world is around what one half year? so, he stills to learn, but in race yesterday he showed the class. that race is inspiration full not? , " advanced that english origin man likes melansir crash, monday (14/7/2008).

" but i am very proud with him. with success meraihnya at stable, you sure will not expected this matter will happen? then, he can to do full race fenomenal, " add it.

" if you return in 15 year ago and you will say to me will what us will beat race f1? sure i shall say you crazy. but, now we are caning to beat race. fantasy has haved fact, " pungkas.

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