Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008

kimi add sure

jerez - ferrari get positive test result at jerez. speed f2008 horse team jingkrak increase. kimi raikkonen even also so to add sure with the opportunity championizes competition f1 this season.

power spurs vehicle, trusted kimi as failure mother ferrari at two latest race races. so, in test tries at jerez this week, ferrari press brain and energy to make f2008 return to run.

" we not fast. so us look for how develop power spur and how finish this situation, " ungkap kimi menyitat autosport, friday (25/7/2008).

luck, result that got ferrari at spain as according to hope. result will disappoint at two grand prix latest will try to ended kimi and ferrari at race next. mission ferrari: grab domination from mclaren.

" we not again lead championship. good we can return car speed. still many races that must be passed, but mclaren really fast at two latest races. so us must get correct package and return memenangi race. trip stills long, " ungkap the ice.

" may we can rival them and memenangi race returns, " enclosing origin racer finland that.

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