Selasa, 01 Juli 2008

kubica: bmw must fast movement

silverstone - bmw must fast movement repair engine performance. when not, bad appearance bmw at gp prancis future then repeateds. principal racer bmw robert kubica of opinion such.

good kubica also friend setim nick heidfeld mempertonton appearance bmw this season bleakest is at magny-cours last week. kubica fail to rise dais, and heidfeld finis at position ke-13.

so that doesn't repeated, kubica hope that german origin engine manufacturer technicians finds instant solution, greet gp this weekend english.

" we present far from ideal speed we require to compete in front of. not secret again, if we want renewal so that can return to level competitive that we have showed at beginning season, " said kubica at official site f1, monday (30/6/2008).

" failure treadings dais at magny-cours show, if we can not then rely on error that done by team other. punishment that accepted lewis may be only can to remove one car in front of i am moment finis, " advanced origin racer polandia that.

" at magny-cours, our difference is with ferrari is biggest so far. this matter is braced fact amount of team begins to decry distance with us. this our signal must act serious and hurry, " enclosing it.

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