Senin, 21 Juli 2008

piquet surprise at hockenheim

hockenheim - nelsinho piquet really be shock at grand prix formula one at hockenheim, german, week (20/7/2008) then. racer renault that can to reaches the first dais after finis second rear lewis hamilton.

this result is sure is greeted to like entrenchment cloth renault. sempat mengisukan not mumpuni and threatened at freez out, piquet final show the class. but piquet meyikapi the victory without jumawa. racer brasil that admit out it sc be the success rescue god at series tenth that.

previous, piquet only can mengoleksi two points and present memposisi ke-17. but with this victory is piquet final can increase eight points. eventually, the position even also jack at rank eleven klasemen racer or remained three points from the senior, fernando alonso.

" i am not doesn't know to how initially, " said piquet like melansir autosport.

" far car bicer membanding moment practice session up to qualification. i am really sempat lead but i am final finis second, " add piquet.

" i am actually then think to how to end my week, but then we are a little luck with rule safety car. team has maked correct to let me then melaju at right time, " bebera piquet.

in chance that, piquet also admit actually self not too persist menempel hamilton. son nelson piquet sr that admit enough satisfied rear racer mclaren that and doesn't want to take risk.

piquet happy suitable although doesn't be front. the paragraph, he can to surpass another champion candidate from ferrari, felipe mass that must satisfied finis third at the hind. piquet be racer brasil third that can to reaches dais at hockenheim after the father and the late ayrton senna.

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