Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

webber break domination vettel

jerez - racer mark webber break domination sebastian vettel in two practice sessions formula one (f1) at jerez previous. racer red bull that be quickest at third practice session with time note 1: 19.176 second.

but, note at that time still to lose fast from property vettel that made in previous practice that is 1: 18.843 second. temporary second position is reachesed nelson piquet from renault. third rank at occupies racer ferrari kimi raikkonen.

" we several we have done test has tried to detect problem what is going on moment at hockenheim. now we success have found that problem, " said kimi like melansir autosport, friday (25/7/2008).

" today peforma our car more have improved compared previous. for that, we have hoped our car ready moment have followed race furthermore, " firm origin racer finland.

test will try day fourth be done in the following day the day. ?

test result tries third day:
1. mark webber (red bull) 1: 19.176 85 laps
2. nelson piquet jr (renault) 1: 19.334 95 laps
3. kimi raikkonen (ferrari) 1: 19.434 84 laps
4. vitantonio liuzzi (force indians) 1: 19.544 86 laps
5. pedro de la rosa (mclaren) 1: 19.850 39 laps
6. sebastien bourdais (toro rosso) 1: 20.029 77 laps
7. kazuki nakajima (williams) 1: 20.097 88 laps
8. timo glock (toyota) 1: 20.421 78 laps
9. rubens barrichello (honda) 1: 20.614 68 laps
10. nick heidfeld (bmw sauber) 1: 20.896 97 laps

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