Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008

button survive at honda

hockenheim - jenson button declare the troth in honda. that english racer permanent will brace that japanese origin manufacturer is season in front of.

troth button underpined the confidence towards honda. word button, honda has future clearest membanding teams f1 another.

" we are not ever know until how far ferrari and mclaren will stand on. they have showed strong performance in the last few years, so us not can take outside them from rivalry, " clear button at autosport, friday (18/7/2008).

" to be able to achieve their speed next year, here with honda, be step progresses. with big change existence, i am sure that thing maked, " continue him.

peculiarly, honda beckon to want to get service fernando alonso season in front of. but, alonso likely receive willing honda coldly.

button doesn't worry to receive development. he believes to still many racers top other interested joint forces with honda.

" i am taste here correct place. i am racer taste top other doesn't get place at ferrari or mclaren will choose honda season in front of, " detail.

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