Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

dispute glock not mortally

hockenheim - racer toyota timo glock informed out from home ill, after endure series the great accident consequence investigation at hockenheim german, week (20/7/2008). luck, investigation result declares if glock doesn't experience dispute mortally.

like to quoted autosport, tuesday (22/7/2008), glock experience damage consequence great accident in the car back tire suspension. on damage, glock not authority restrains car, up to final struck track divider wall.

after incident, glock must stay last night at home ill to endure furthermore investigation. luck, this german origin racer doesn't experience dispute serious.

doctor that care it to admit if glock can soon return home to endure restoration. also permit it in action at series f1 next doctor, at hungarian, bext week.

with news makes glad this, so glock can a little hope can soon drive the car, in free test session at jerez, this week.

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