Senin, 21 Juli 2008

Piquet OK!

hockenheim - boss renault flavio briatore admire completely nelson piquet a success finis at second position at gp german. because, good piquet also renault get first dais at this season.

piquet precede race from position start ke-17, can to pass by line finis at sequence second rear champion lewis hamilton. result menorehkan origin racer brasil that is at circuit hockenheim, enter accomplishment category incredible for renault.

" he is really is shelterred goddess fortuna with existence safety car. but afterwards nelson come up incredible, " said briatore melansir autosport, monday (21/7/2008).

" certain it, mclaren really quicker. especially hamilton really suitable memenangi race and we are suitable memenangi second champion, because we are second quickest at race beak, " continue briatore.

although piquet can to print fantastic performance, briatore doesn't give load too much in that the racer. according to him still to want time for piquet to ripen self at land jet arena prestigiousest at world.

" in this case, i guess us must a little careful because he still very young. but, baturally i guess him very positive, " enclosing briatore.

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